Chester Market Needs Your Toys and Tins

CHESTER market and the Forum Tins are asking shoppers to buy and extra tin or toy during their Christmas shops. The Chester sites have teamed up with Dee 106.3 and have been appealing to the Chester public to buy an extra tin or toy for the elderly and children.  The items donated will be sent…

Exciting discoveries unearthed in Chester

IN CHESTER, work is underway on an archaeological dig prior to construction of Chester’s iconic theatre in upper Northgate Street. The new cultural project, called RE:NEW will be finished in 2016. Last October the Commerce House building in Hunters Street was demolished to make way for the new centre and a team of archaeologists have…

Traffic troubles

TRAFFIC in and out of Chester is bad enough when there have been no problems on the road but today Wednesday 10 December was terrible. One lane on the A41 Liverpool road, northbound has been closed as a water pipe burst last night. The engineers have been called out to fix the problem leaving the…

Bags of Memory

DEAFNESS Support Network recently set up a pop up shop called ‘Bags of Memory’ running until 18 December in Chester Forum Shopping Centre – they are selling donated hand bags, scarves and accessories and also vintage furniture. All funds raised will go towards research into the links between deafness and dementia – they want to know…

One City Plan meeting reveals exciting design for Chester Theatre

SPARKING Chester’s cultural renaissance is neither quick nor simple, as seen 10 December during One City Plan’s drop-in sessions concerning the new Theatre, Library and Cinema development. However, with leadership from determined directors and a strong community voice advocating for this project, Chester’s flame will burn brighter in the future. Midday and evening information sessions…

Graham Lister, Chester Theatre director, reveals his passion for creating ‘cultural hubs’ in smaller communities

FOR Graham Lister, the purpose of local performing arts projects always extends beyond improving a city’s immediate cultural climate. He believes Chester is on the cusp of its revival, and the project best suited to complement that process is the Theatre, Library and Cinema’s three-part development. Lister was named project director in January 2013 by the…